Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Excuse me Sir its late

EVIL MICKEY INSERT HERE,....sorry found it.....needed comic starting to a sad whiny post

Before I begin, I am somewhat drowsy and have found that my eyelids have this secrect desire of being glued together for the evening. So alas not sure this will be a super long post. 

i have had a somewhat exausting day , for about half of it I was bawling. I just feel like I am betraying joe with this whole meeting a dominant guy thing...just not sure ho to deal with it. I mean he says he is ok but then doesnt was to talk about our usual things. Ahhh well I am not much of a drama person so both of us will come around soon and our relationship will once again be strengthened . lol btw i am typing much of this post with my eyes bloed so excuse my errors my fingers are not my eyes and my finger tips are not a cognitive link. Wow I must be tired if i am using long words to compensate for my terribble speach issues tonight. 

Tonight I am camping at my parents humble abode I am waiting on my laundry and snuggling up in my bedroom...ok KIND of my bedroom ....my parents say its still mine but i dunno. I live at an apartment and am paying bills so I dont know if I am doing much of anything cept working and writing latley. Hmm random mid note part

My favorite spanking cleshes!

  • What did I tell you?
  • Young lady ....
  • Go to your room!
  • Your not sorry but you will be
  • I can give you something to cry about
  • You wanna act like a child I will treat you like one
  • I think i need to take you over my knee and teach you a lesson
  • keep it up little lady....
  • One more time.....
And last but not least a fun cleshe thing for a dom to do is count!....

*Breif interlude....please enjoy the music while your party is changing he loads of laundry*
(Lady Gaga Loves all........... PoKeR FaCe)

And if you are not as entertained by that version...Cartman is good at it too!

*And WE ARE BACK!....!*

Ok so I must say Gaga knows the minds of the spanking community!

"And baby in love if its not rough it is not fun!"

LMAO! I am in such a Southpark Youtube kick latley....so if you are not burned out its harry potter mixed with south park....GIGGGLES!!!!

I keep debating writing a story but everything is all questions right now. I am debating just throwing out the ideas of dating someone for a while so that I can just stay where I am comfortable for a while longer. I think since I moved I am ten times more sensitive to change. Besides....boys have cooties anyways so why bother?

Sigh....I just need Chicago....I mean my November has been my vacation for a long time now. I really hope nothing changes about me going to the hotel to see my Daddy , I really miss him so much. 

I am constantly scared of who might read this , I hate having a diary that I don't feel like i can open up in. so I guess this is my chance to say anything i need to. I keep postponing EVERYTHING....and waiting for the right time...the right day. When I save up enough money, when i get this many jobs, when I get my apartment set up, when I go to school, when I really connect with that one person, when I need to deal with it I will....Nothing is ever faced head on with me. in fact i am finding avoidance MUCH easier. god my last few posts have been depressing....I will try to be better. Right now I am chilling with nala and think its time to head out.....

I love you world

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