I am sitting here wondering why I have found myself amongst the crazed obsessives in love with silly bands. I don't understand it one bit. I keep trying to justify it saying...oh its only so that i can find ones with meaning pertaining to me and me alone...well thats all cool and such but it does not change the fact that I am 20 and a crazed look with rubber band bracelets that serve no purpose but to make pictures when you are not wearing them. I got into them this morning when I was shopping the outlet mall and looked down and on the cement I saw a band....the number 5....just gawking at me...laughing....sneering....judging....basically screaming...why the hell havent you picked me up yet. so I did...and I put it on....it felt good...cheap rubber around my wrist(its your dirty mind that went there not mine).....
Anyway yeah...so i needed to keep it because 5 means a lot of things for me
5 kids
5 my acting age (dont ask)
5 the number that everyone counts to to get me to hear them
5 my favorite bill with Abraham Lincoln on it
5 the number that helped me learn math in school
5 the age that I was the cutest in my whole life
5 the age that my mom got chelsea for our family.
5 the year I noticed more that spanking was a part of me
5....well i guess this list could go on and on and on
Anyways so that is how I got into my addiction.
So Joe and are are Tiffy with each other. I don't know what I did. And i only got upset with him because he got upset with me. We are both running on very little sleep especially him so I give him credit for putting up with so much. And i dont want people thinking he is Oscar the grouch. I mean come on...he doesnt smell...that bad
Ok really he doesnt smell and he is a sweetheart..I just think i pushed on a nerve with him again. Like always. he is just tired I think and needs a nappy wappy byes!
So yea. i went shopping today and bought some lotions , a dress, body wash, fragrances, a sweatshirt, some silly bands, batman stickers, a usb card reader, and some battery's....all things i needed pretty desperately .
Glad I had some time with my mom.
oh yeah one last thing. i started a new daily thing where I take at least one picture and edit it per day. Here are todays....Besties!
Alright yall
Bedtime for this sassy cubby, ducky, giraffe, little baby bluebird.